Our School

“The true purpose of arts education is not necessarily to create more professional dancers, musicians and artists. It’s to create more complex human beings who are critical thinkers, who have curious minds, who can lead productive lives.” – Kelly Pollock
All children attend regular music sessions with our Specialist Teacher in our bright, spacious and well-equipped Music room. Throughout their time at Meadowbank School children will sing, participate in movement games and activities, explore timbre, gain skills on a range of pitched and unpitched percussion instruments and ukulele, listen and respond to a wide range of musical styles/genres, and be given opportunities to create and share their own music.
We have a number of performing arts ensembles which cater to those children who learn an instrument or love to sing as part of a group. These include Orchestra, Tweeters Choir, Hummingbirds Choir (auditioned) and Rock Band.
Highlights in the music calendar include Talent Quest, Performing Arts Evening and assemblies, Composition and Songwriting competitions and participation in the Kids Sing Festival.
Meadowbank School offers a diverse physical education programme for Y0-6 students. Y0 students begin with the perceptual motor programme run by classroom teachers with the assistance of senior student leaders. The year is divided into themes which mirror school wide sports events for the year.
The Physical Education programme is structured as follows:
Term 1
Y1-6 Swimming/Aquatics & Small Ball Skills
Term 2
Invasion Games – Te Ao Kori
Term 3
Large Ball Skills & Cross Country
Term 4
Athletics & Summer Games/Net Games while swimming is introduced in New Entrants classes
Taught by outside professional providers / instructors. All students can access 10 x 30 minute lessons over 2 weeks
Inter-School Sports
During school time all Year 5 & 6 students will have opportunities to represent the school. Teams compete in a range of sports including cricket, softball, tennis, touch rugby, rugby, soccer, netball, hockey, athletics, swimming and gymnastics!
Extra-Curricular Sport
There are many opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular sports teams. These teams are coached and managed by parents.
Flippaball – Terms 1-4 for Years 3-6
Netball – Terms 2-3 for Years 1-6
Hockey – Terms 2-3 for Years 1-6
Basketball – Terms 1-4 for Years 3-6