Enrolment Information
2025 Out of Zone Ballot
Our ballot has been held with everyone being notified. Please ensure you check your spam folder.
For further information please do not hesitate to email ccallinan@meadowbank.school.nz for further details.
What happens when your child turns 5?
All school age children (5-11) living within the geographical school zone are eligible to attend Meadowbank School.
Enrolments are taken from 4 years of age; tours, visits and enrolment packs are organised near time of school commencement.
Feel free to contact our office for enrolment information, please email Carlene to organise this – ccallinan@meadowbank.school.nz
One month before students start we ask that the following has been completed:
- All necessary forms/paper work finalised (Birth Certificate, Proof of Address (ie: utility account) and Immunisation Certificate will be required)
- Purchase stationery
- Purchase school uniform (full details listed below)
New Entrants
New Entrant children all begin their schooling in our Reception Classroom which transitions them into life at Meadowbank School.
Prior to starting school children have two visits which enables both you and your child to become familiar with the class teacher, classroom routines and environment.
Pre-school visits are held on the two Wednesday mornings before your child’s 5th birthday and they start the Monday after their 5th birthday.
For more information please contact the school Enrolment Officer – Carlene on 09 520 3739 or email ccallinan@meadowbank.school.nz
Other Enrolments
Students transferring from either an overseas school or a New Zealand school, need to notify the Enrolment Officer a week prior to their arrival to ensure that all the necessary paperwork is completed in order to start school on the following Monday.
Class allocation is based on their chronological age and class sizes. Student Profiles will be requested from their previous school (New Zealand only), if transferring from overseas, please provide their latest school report.
Stationery can be purchased through the school office if required.
For more information please contact the school Enrolment Officer – Carlene on 09 520 3739 or email ccallinan@meadowbank.school.nz
International Student Enrolments
Meadowbank School welcomes international students and their families. International students are integrated into the appropriate year level, and they will receive additional tuition to meet their English language needs with a specialist teacher (ESOL).
The Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students gives assurances on student welfare and allows us to enrol international students.
For more information please contact the school Enrolment Officer – Carlene on 09 520 3739 or email ccallinan@meadowbank.school.nz
More Information for International Students